An imposing dungeon in the town of Pons ! It's magnificent !

Follow me, I'll take you to visit an imposing monument in an ancient fortified city.
Follow me, I'll take you to visit an imposing monument in an ancient fortified city.
"Your contribution will greatly help me to continue doing what I love. Thanks to you, I could continue to publish and share beautiful photos of me and the most beautiful places in France and the rest of the world." Become a PREMIUM MEMBER By becoming a Premium Member
Despite the cold and the rain I managed to take some pictures outside. So happy to be able to share this with you. I love this outfit and I hope you like it too ! Can't wait to see spring again and enjoy the sun to help you discover
Hi everyone ! How are you ? I'm doing very well ! Today I'm sharing some pictures taken in my house because it's really not nice outside! I hope there will be some sun soon so I can show you other beautiful places in my country. January
Hello everyone, my loyal readers. Today I share with you a series of photos taken with a beautiful sun. I went for a walk in Angoulème, a beautiful city in Charente, in the South-West of France. Despite the cool I was able to enjoy these pretty landscapes. Start 14-days FREE